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Beyond: Architectural Fabrication is a leading architectural fabrication company that specializes in custom aluminum 3D panels for interior and exterior spaces. The company is committed to using innovative and sustainable design techniques to create exceptional paneling solutions that enhance the aesthetic appeal and functionality of any space. By leveraging the power of parameterization, Beyond: Architectural Fabrication is able to offer highly customized and efficient paneling solutions that are unparalleled in the industry.

Entire Project Design

One of the main advantages of parameterization over classic computerization is the ability to design entire projects with ease. With the use of parametric design tools, Beyond: Architectural Fabrication is able to create highly customized paneling solutions that meet the specific needs and requirements of clients. The entire project can be designed in a parametric way, making it easier to make changes and modifications throughout the design process.

Faster Design Process

Parametric design also speeds up the design process. Since the entire project is designed in a parametric way, it’s possible to make changes quickly and efficiently without needing to redesign everything or detail every part that will be produced. Beyond: Architectural Fabrication has an algorithm that takes the 3D panel and makes it ready to be cut with laser CNC machines and bent with bending machines. The algorithm includes angles and sides that are written on top of the panel, making the fabrication process highly efficient.

Highly Customizable

Parameterization is highly customizable, making it easier to create highly complex geometries and patterns with ease. The use of parametric design tools allows Beyond: Architectural Fabrication to create highly customized paneling solutions that are tailored to meet the specific needs and requirements of clients. This means that clients can have a say in every aspect of the design process, ensuring that the final product is exactly what they were looking for.


Parameterization also plays a key role in the sustainability efforts of Beyond: Architectural Fabrication. By using computational tools to analyze factors such as material efficiency, energy use, and environmental impact, the company is able to create paneling solutions that are highly sustainable and environmentally friendly. Additionally, Beyond: Architectural Fabrication uses sustainable materials and production methods, further reducing the environmental impact of their paneling solutions.

In conclusion

Beyond: Architectural Fabrication is revolutionizing the field of architectural paneling with their commitment to innovative and sustainable design practices. By leveraging the power of parameterization, Beyond: Architectural Fabrication is able to offer highly customized and efficient paneling solutions that are unparalleled in the industry. Whether you’re looking to enhance the aesthetic appeal of a commercial office or create a unique outdoor space, Beyond: Architectural Fabrication has the expertise and tools you need to bring your vision to life.

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