The “YAPI Fair – Turkeybuild Istanbul,” which was held in Istanbul from March 23 to 26 last year for the 43rd time and generated commerce worth close to 1 billion euros, brought together all of the representatives of the world’s building and construction sector. At the fair, more than 200 product groups were displayed by 320 exhibitors from 17 different nations.
The global cooperation and information sharing platform YAPI Fair, which increased the number of visitors by 171% and the number of foreign visitors by more than 191% compared to the previous year, hosted a total of 45,731 visitors from 157 countries, 8232 of which were foreigners.
More than 400 Foreign Buyers were at the YAPI Fair for New Collaborations.
In addition to the intense interest of exhibitors and visitors, the fair was also the focus of foreign procurement professionals and investors.
The Hyve Group brought senior and influential decision-makers to Turkey as part of the “VIP Hosted Buyer” program. Around 400 investors and procurement professionals, primarily from Canada, Chile, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Spain, Switzerland, Qatar, the United Kingdom, and Greece, met with local business partners to discuss potential new cooperative ventures.
The expo sent a powerful rebound signal for the worldwide building and construction industry, even though the interactions took place via Hyve Connect, a physical and online collaboration platform.